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Sacred Cycles of Time: Hasidic Teachings on Purim, Pesach, and Shavuot with Rabbi Fern Feldman

Reading Hassidic texts, supplemented with background from Tanakh, Midrash, and Kabbalah, we will explore how to ride the waves of sacred time through the major spring holidays, allowing us to interweave our own journeys with the journeys of our people, the earth, and the flow of divine presence. This course will be in-person, in the CBS Beit Midrash.

Purim: Wednesday, 3/20, 7-8pm 
Pesach: Wednesday, 4/10, 7-8pm 
Shavuot: Wednesday, 6/5, 7-8pm  

Cost: Suggested donation of $18/per class or $36 for all three classes to our Adult Education Fund.


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Your cell phone number
Your Email Address
Optional Donation to Adult Education Fund
This class is free of tuition. We encourage and appreciate donations to our adult education fund. If you have trouble submitting your payment, please call the front office at 206-524-0075.


Sat, August 31 2024 27 Av 5784