Pesach 2025
Pesach 2025
Passover Resources
Pre-Passover Learning after Shabbat Lunch
Saturday, 3/29, 1pm
Join Rabbi Borodin for pre-passover learning on the theme of the Visual Telling of the Passover Story.
At the seder we tell the Passover story many different ways, through eating of symbolic foods, through story telling, through question asking, through study. How might we also be telling the story or want to tell the story visually? Come learn about the history of the seder plate and explore how it can be used as a visual telling of the story. -
Pre-Pesach Office Hours with Rabbi Rose
Thursday, 4/3 from 3-5pm
Got Passover prep questions? Rabbi Rose will be available in her office from 3-5pm on Thursday, April 3 to be a helpful resource, so come stop by! If you can’t make it then, know that both rabbis are always happy to answer questions (and we know that Pesach often brings many of them!), but that they tend to be more available in the weeks leading up to Pesach than in the last few days before the holiday begins. -
More information coming soon about a Zoom program with our sister synagogue, Kehillat Moreshet Avraham in Jerusalem.
Kashering Your Kitchen: Introduction
Kashering for Pesach can be intense - but it should also be deeply meaningful. Rabbi Ethan Tucker, Rosh Yeshiva of Hadar, takes you through every step of this journey through your kitchen (click here). -
ExploringJudaism is a digital home for the Torah of Conservative Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning and learning. There is always something to learn and explore. Check out the Passover resources including: How to Make a Seder for Everyone; Engaging Kids of All Ages in the Passover Seder; A Seat for Those Who Can't Come Home, and more.
Seder Matches
In lieu of hosting a community seder, Beth Shalom encourages its members to notify us if they would be willing to host guests who may not have a seder to attend. We love making sure our members have a place for seder and are grateful to our community for opening their homes to make that possible. You can sign up as a host or guest by going to the Passover info page on our website and clicking the signup links. The deadline to sign up as a guest is April 2nd.
If you can accommodate an extra guest or two (or more!) at your seder table, please let us know here.
And if you’re a Beth Shalom member looking for a place to go, please let us know by April 2nd at this link
If you have questions about preparing for Passover this year, please contact the rabbis.
Families & Youth
Pre-Passover Young Family Tefillah
Saturday, April 5, 11:15am-noon, open space downstairs
Kids under 5ish and their grownups (older siblings welcome, too!) are invited to join Rabbi Rose to celebrate Shabbat and get ready for Passover with singing, storytime, and more. Questions? Contact Rabbi Rose.
Pre-Passover Kids’ Kehillah
Saturday, April 5, 11:15-noon, room 7/8 downstairs
Kids ages 6-11 (parents welcome too) are welcome to join Eliya (CBS Shinshinit 2024-2025) for fun games and activities to help us get ready for Passover.
Matanot and Chaverim (2nd-5th Grade Youth Group) Dinner & Make Your Own Afikoman Bag
April 8th, 6:30pm-7:45pm, right after Tuesday Religious School
*Meet in the Social Hall
Cost: $20; registration link coming soon...
Let’s eat a yummy vegetarian dinner together and prepare for Passover by making and decorating our own Afikoman bags! What’s an Afikoman bag? That is where you put the broken piece of matza that is hidden at the seder and then eaten for dessert! We hope you will use your creation at your seder! We will have lots of art supplies, so be ready to let your creativity shine. Any questions email Rachel.
Schmooze and Play: Passover Playground Picnic
Friday, 4/18, 10:30-noon, Bryant Neighborhood Playground (4103 NE 65th St., Seattle, WA 98115)
With the Beth Shalom ECC and Seattle Public Schools closed for spring break, join other CBS young families for a daytime playground meetup! BYO matzah sandwich (or whatever you’d like) for lunch. Reach out to our Young Families email with any questions; we look forward to seeing you.
sale of chametz
Sale of Chametz
You can fill out the Chametz form here, and submit it through Shulcloud, or you can print this form, complete it and mail it, drop it off, or fax it to us.
Deadline: Thursday, April 10 at 3:00pm.
Call 206-524-0075 or fax at 206 525-5095 or email Ellis, the rabbi's assistant with any questions.
Passover Schedule
Event | Date | Time | Place | Notes |
Ta’anit Bechorim - Fast of the Firstborn | Thursday, 4/10 | Begins at dawn, 4:50am | At home | |
Ta’anit Bechorim -Fast of the Firstborn - Siyum | Thursday, 4/10 | 7:00am minyan, siyum afterwards | CBS Beit Midrash | Learn and have breakfast at shul. |
Mekhirat Chametz - Sale of Chametz | by Thursday, 4/10 | before 3:00pm | Submit forms to the office by Thursday, 4/10 at 3:00pm. Forms can be found in the Ruach, the CBS office, and on the CBS website. |
Bedikat Chametz - Search for Chametz | Thursday, 4/10 | After Dark | At Home | See instructions at the beginning of the Haggadah. |
Biur Chametz - Burning of Chametz | Friday, 4/11 | Before 12:02pm | At Home | Burn or otherwise destroy the chametz found while searching. |
Shabbat Services | Saturday, 4/12 | 9:30am | CBS Sanctuary | Livestream also available. No Kiddush lunch. Babysitting in room 4/5 from 9:45am - end of services. |
Last Time to Eat Chametz | Saturday, 4/12 |
10:53am | At Home | Last time to eat chametz before Passover begins |
Bitul Chametz - Last Time to Nullify Chametz | Saturday, 4/12 |
12:01pm | At Home or during Shabbat services | Last time to recite the formula nullifying and declaring any remaining chametz to be ownerless |
FIRST NIGHT SEDER | Saturday, 4/12 |
At Home | Candlelighting by transfer from a pre-existing flame after 8:37pm | |
First Day Yom Tov Services | Sunday, 4/13 | 9:30am | CBS Sanctuary | Livestream also available. No Kiddush lunch. |
SECOND NIGHT SEDER | Sunday, 4/13 | At Home | Candlelighting by transfer from a pre-existing flame after 8:39pm | |
Sefirat HaOmer begins - Counting of the Omer | Sunday, 4/13 | Evening - end of seder | At Home | As indicated in Passover Haggadah |
Second Day Yom Tov Services | Monday, 4/14 |
9:30am | CBS Sanctuary | Livestream also available. No Kiddush lunch. |
Monday Evening Minyan -Yom Tov Minchah | Monday, 4/14 | 7:30pm | CBS Sanctuary | |
Chol Hamoed Pesach Weekday Morning Minyan |
Tues, 4/15 Wed 4/16 Thur, 4/17 Fri, 4/18 |
7:00am 7:00am 7:00am 7:00am |
CBS Beit Midrash | |
Erev Seventh Day Pesach | Friday, 4/18 | At Home | Candlelighting 7:45pm or earlier | |
Shabbat and Seventh Day Yom Tov Services | Saturday, 4/19 |
9:30am | CBS Sanctuary | Livestream also available. No Kiddush lunch. Babysitting in room 4/5 from 9:45am - end of services. |
Erev Eighth Day Pesach | Saturday, 4/19 |
At Home | Candlelighting by transfer from a pre-existing flame after 8:47pm | |
Eighth Day Yom Tov Services with Yizkor | Sunday, 4/20 |
9:30am | CBS Sanctuary | Livestream also available. No Kiddush lunch. |
End of Passover | Sunday, 4/20 |
8:49pm | ||
Re-Buying of Chametz | Sunday, 4/20 |
9:05pm | You may now eat chametz sold by CBS |
Information for non-members:
Attending services: All Yom Tov services are open to the public. For security reasons, we ask that non-members looking to attend services fill out THIS FORM ahead of Yom Tov to let us know you will be attending.
Livestreaming: If you would like to livestream services, please contact the front office ahead of Yom Tov for the streaming link. Note that we do not monitor emails on Shabbat or Yom Tov.
Ta'anit Bekhorim and Siyum- Fast of the Firstborn and Learning Celebration
Thursday, April 10, in the CBS Beit Midrash
Minyan: 7:00-7:40am
Siyum & Breakfast: 7:40-8:15am
The fast applies to the firstborn child of a mother or a father, and begins at dawn (4:50am this year). It is customary, after Shacharit, to have a siyum, completion of study of a section of rabbinic literature, followed by a seudat mitzvah, a meal accompanying the performance of a mitzvah. All firstborn in attendance are then permitted to eat for the rest of the day. This year, Rabbi Mark Greenspan will lead us in completing his learning of Abudraham's Commentary on the Haggadah and Laws of the Seder, composed in 14th century Seville. Afterwards, stick around for breakfast; it's a mitzvah!
Mekhirat Chametz - Selling of Chametz
Thursday, April 10, by 3:00pm
Any chametz not consumed, burned or otherwise disposed of prior to Passover must be sold to a non-Jew who will own it during Pesach. In order to ensure compliance with the details of the law, Rabbi Borodin will act as our agent for the sale. If you would like Rabbi Borodin to serve as your agent, you must complete the “Sale of Chametz” form and return to Ellis Engbar or Rabbi Borodin by Thursday, April 10 at 3:00pm.
Bedikat Chametz - Search for Chametz
Thursday, April 10, after dark, at home
The search is usually performed the night before Pesach, but this year because of Shabbat it is performed a day earlier. It is customarily done with a candle, feather and wooden spoon. Chametz which is found (except that which may be specifically set aside for use before Pesach), is put aside until the morning for burning. (See the beginning of the Haggadah for the liturgy for bedikat chametz).
Biur Chametz - Destroying Chametz
Friday, April 11, before 12:02pm
Dispose of the chametz found the previous night during bedikat chametz and recite the formula for nullifying chametz (found in the beginning of the Haggadah).
Bitul Chametz - Nullifying Chametz
No later than Saturday, April 12 at 12:01pm
Recite the formula for nullifying chametz (found in the beginning of the Haggadah).
Passover Home Rituals
Birkat Hamazon during Passover
It is traditional to use either your haggadot or benchers only used at Passover (not the rest of the year) for birkat hamazon during Passover to avoid being exposed to possible chametz in the regular bencher. We add ya’aleh v’yavo for every day of Passover. On days 1, 2, 7 and 8 we also add the harachaman for Yom Tov.
First And Second Days Of Pesach
On the first and second nights of Pesach (Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13), we recite the blessings “Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Yom Tov” and “shehecheyanu”. On the first night, candles should not be lit until the end of Shabbat (after 8:37pm), and we do not light a match but transfer the fire to the candles from an existing flame. On the second night, candles should not be lit until the end of the first day of Yom Tov, and we do not light a match but transfer the fire to the candles from an existing flame. Therefore, when you light Shabbat candles on Friday, April 11, make sure that you have a fire burning that will last until after dark on Sunday. A burning candle that lasts for more than 49 hours (or two 24-hour ones) or a pilot light on a gas range (not a gas range with an electronic starter) works well for this purpose.
There are festive meals for dinner (i.e. seder) and lunch on each of the first two days of Pesach. At each meal,
kiddush is recited and hamotzi is made over matzah. Details regarding evening kiddush are fully set forth in the Haggadah; please note that kiddush for first seder includes havdalah. The daytime kiddush consists of the verse beginning "vayedaber Moshe..." and continues with "borei pri hagafen."
Seventh And Eighth Days Of Pesach
On the seventh night of Pesach (Friday, April 18) we recite "Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Shabbat v'shel Yom Tov”, and we do not recite "shehecheyanu." On the eighth night of Pesach, (Saturday, April 19), we recite "Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Yom Tov”, and we do not recite "shehecheyanu." On the eighth night, we do not light a match but transfer the fire to the candles from an existing flame. When you light candles on Friday, make sure that you have a fire burning that will last until after candlelighting time on Saturday.
There are festive meals for dinner and lunch on each of the final two days of Pesach. At each meal, kiddush is recited and hamotzi is made over matzah. On the seventh and eighth nights we recite the evening festival kiddush with the insertion for Pesach (and on the seventh night, for Shabbat). The daytime kiddush consists of the verse beginning "vayedaber Moshe..." and continues with "borei pri hagafen." On Shabbat, we include the verses for Shabbat as well.
This Passover, consider incorporating materials from Mazon - A Jewish Response to Hunger into your seder.
Add a 5th Question
Each Passover we retell the defining story of our people: our exodus from Egypt. It’s a story of wealth and want, of an individual and of a community, of justice denied and justice prevailing. How will we retell the story of this past year, and all it has wrought?
L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, we will remember and retell how a plague of disease begat a plague of inequity, and we will respond, together.
Make a donation to Mazon to support the creation of programs and policies that increase access to food for those who need it. Donations made with your Hametz Sale will be forwarded to Mazon.
Make a donation to Jewish Family Service to support the Kosher Food Bank as well as JFS' refugee resettlement efforts.
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
: 7:00am |
Back to Your Roots: Understanding Prayerbook Hebrew (2nd semester) with Sharon Greenberg : 6:00pm |
Beyond the Aleph Bet (2nd semester) with Gus Feliu : 7:00pm |
: 7:30pm |
Exploring Jewish Living : 8:05pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 12 Back to Your Roots: Understanding Prayerbook Hebrew (2nd semester) with Sharon Greenberg Wednesday, Mar 12 6:00pm |
Mar 12 Beyond the Aleph Bet (2nd semester) with Gus Feliu Wednesday, Mar 12 7:00pm |
Mar 12 |
Mar 12 Exploring Jewish Living Wednesday, Mar 12 8:05pm |
Mar 13 Erev Purim - Maariv and Megillah Thursday, Mar 13 7:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:55pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:57pm |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |
Alot Hashachar | 5:57am |
Earliest Tallit | 6:33am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:29am |
Latest Shema | 10:23am |
Zman Tefillah | 11:22am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 1:19pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:49pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:44pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:57pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 7:10pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 7:56pm |
More >> |
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