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Prepare for Pesach

Prepare for Pesach with Beth Huppin
Tuesdays, 12-1pm, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, on Zoom

We have had to cancel the April 4th class. Thanks for your understanding.

There are many unheard voices in the Passover story. Whose voices are missing? What might they teach us and how might we bring those voices to our seder discussions? Together we will examine and discuss texts about the Passover story, keeping those unheard voices in mind. No previous knowledge needed. Each class will stand on its own. Source sheets will be provided ahead of time as well as during class. Please register here.

A Night to Remember: Preparing for the Seder with Michael Zion of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America
Sunday, 4/10, 10-11am PST. No charge

How will you do Seder this year?
Join Rabbi Samuel Klein in conversation with Rabbi Michael Zion as they discuss themes in his high­ly imag­i­na­tive Hag­gadah "A Night to Remember" (2007). Come prepared for a lively exchange, engaging voices from Rab­bi Joseph Soloveitchik and Amos Oz to Toni Mor­ri­son and Leonard Cohen, as we explore the uni­ver­sal mes­sage of the Exodus.
Spoiler alert: This event will enhance your seder experience by bringing in ideas that will make the evening rich, thought-provoking, and fun for all. Questions? Contact Rabbi Samuel Klein.

ExploringJudaism is a new home for the Torah of Conservative Judaism, embracing the beauty and complexity of Judaism, and our personal search for meaning and learning. There is always something to learn and explore.  Check out the Passover resources including: How to Kasher your Kitchen; and Tips for Passover with Toddlers, Including Non-Jewish Guests at Seder, and more.

We are excited to partner with Joey Weisenberg of Hadar's Rising Song Institute for our Bierman Scholar in Residence/Selichot program this September.
Save the Date September 16-17,2022

It's not too early to familiarize yourself with Hadar's music and programs.

  • A recording of "Karev Yom," Deborah Sacks Mintz' new Pesach tune, is available exclusively on Rising Song's Soundcloud page. The track features harmonies from Chava Mirel and Joey Weisenberg.
  • Hadar's Pre-Passover programs may be found here

sale of chametz

Sale of Chametz

You can fill out the Chametz form here, and submit it through Shulcloud, or you can print this form, complete it and mail it, drop it off, or fax it to us.

Deadline: Thursday, April 14 at 3:00pm.
Call 206-524-0075 or fax at 206 525-5095 or email Ellis, the rabbi's assistant with any questions.

We know that Passover this year will be quite unusual (again).
If you have questions about preparing for Passover this year, please contact the rabbis.

Families & Youth

Matza Pizza and Game Night for Teens
Tuesday, April 19th 6:30-8pm

Celebrate Passover in a fun way! Join Rabbi Rose and CBS teens for yummy matza pizza and lots of games. This is open to all 7th-12th graders and is in place of teen learning that evening.
Address will be provide upon RSVP.

Passover Schedule

Event Date Time Place Notes
Mekhirat Chametz - Sale of Chametz Thursday, 4/14 3:00pm   Submit forms to the office by Thursday, 4/14 at 3:00pm.
Forms can be found in the Ruach, the CBS office, and on the CBS website
Bedikat Chametz -Search for Chametz Thursday, 4/14 After Dark At Home See instructions at the beginning of the Haggadah.
Ta’anit Bechorim - Fast of the Firstborn     Friday,
Apr 15
Begins at dawn, 4:39am At Home  
Ta’anit Bechorim -Fast of the Firstborn  Friday, 4/15 7:00am Minyan, Siyum afterwards In person with zoom option Bring your own breakfast for the siyum after minyan! Details here.
Last Time to Eat Chametz    Friday, 4/15 10:52am At Home  Last time to eat chametz before Passover begins.
Biur and Bitul Chametz - Last Time to Destroy and Nullify Chametz Friday, 4/15 12:00pm At Home Last time to destroy chametz found while searching and to recite the formula nullifying and declaring any remaining chametz to be ownerless.
FIRST NIGHT SEDER    Friday, 4/15   At Home Candlelighting before 7:41pm
First Day Yom Tov & Shabbat Services Saturday, 4/16 9:30am CBS & Livestream  
SECOND NIGHT SEDER    Saturday, 4/16   At Home Candlelighting by transfer from a pre-existing flame after 8:50pm
Sefirat HaOmer begins - Counting of the Omer Saturday, 4/16 Evening - end of seder At Home  As indicated in Passover Haggadah
Second Day Yom Tov Services   Sunday, 4/17 9:30am CBS & Livestream  
Chol Hamoed Pesach 
Weekday Morning Minyan
Mon,  4/18
Tues, 4/19
Wed, 4/20
Thur, 4/21
7:00am   Zoom  
Chol HaMoed Pesach
Monday Evening Minyan   
Mon, 4/18 7:30pm CBS & Zoom  
Teen Matzah Pizza-Making and Movie Night Tues, 4/19 6:00pm RSVP for address For all 8th-12th graders!
Erev Seventh Day Pesach Thur, 4/21   At Home Candlelighting before 7:50pm
Seventh Day Yom Tov Services Fri, 4/22 9:30am CBS & Livestream  
Erev Eighth Day Pesach Fri, 4/22   At Home Candlelighting by transfer from a pre-existing flame before 7:51pm
Eighth Day Yom Tov and 
Shabbat Services
with Yizkor  
Sat, 4/23 9:30am CBS & Livestream  
End of Passover Sat, 4/23 9:01pm    
Re-Buying of Chametz    Sat, 4/23 9:15pm   You may now eat chametz sold by CBS



For COVID-19 safety reasons, Do It Yourself Pot and Utensil Kashering is cancelled this year.  If you have questions about kashering for Pesach, please ask the rabbis. 

Bedikat Chametz - Search for Chametz
Thursday, April 14, after dark, at home
The search is usually performed the night before Pesach. It is customarily done with a candle, feather and wooden spoon.  Chametz which is found (except that which may be specifically set aside for use before Pesach), is put aside until the morning for burning.  (See the beginning of the Haggadah for the liturgy for bedikat chametz).

Mekhirat Chametz - Selling of Chametz
Thursday, April 14, 3:00pm

Any chametz not consumed, burned or otherwise disposed of prior to Passover must be sold to a non-Jew who will own it during Pesach. In order to ensure compliance with the details of the law, Rabbi Borodin will act as our agent for the sale. If you would like Rabbi Borodin to serve as your agent, you must complete the “Sale of Chametz” form and return to Ellis Engbar or Rabbi Borodin by Thursday, April 14 at 3:00pm.

Ta’anit Bekhorim - Fast of the Firstborn, Siyum Bekhorim, in person and virtual Minyan &  Breakfast
Friday, April 15, 7:00-8:15am

Minyan: 7:00-7:40am (please use the morning minyan zoom link from cybershul to join virtually)
Siyum and breakfast: 7:40-8:15am
The fast applies to the firstborn child of a mother or a father, and begins at dawn (4:39am this year). It is customary, after Shacharit, to have a siyum, completion of study of a section of rabbinic literature, followed by a seudat mitzvah, a meal accompanying the performance of a mitzvah. All firstborn in attendance are then permitted to eat for the rest of the day.  This year, Rabbi Mark Greenspan will lead the siyum.  Please RSVP to let us know if you're planning to attend in person.

Biur and Bitul Chametz - Destroying and Nullifying of Chametz
Friday, April 15

Dispose of the chametz found the previous night during bedikat chametz and recite the formula for nullifying chametz (found in the beginning of the Haggadah).

Passover Home Rituals

Birkat Hamazon during Passover
It is traditional to use either your haggadot or benchers only used at Passover (not the rest of the year) for birkat hamazon during Passover to avoid being exposed to possible chametz in the regular bencher. We add ya’aleh v’yavo for every day of Passover.  On days 1, 2, 7 and 8 we also add the harachaman for Yom Tov.

First And Second Days Of Pesach

On the first night of Pesach (Friday, April 15), we recite the blessings “Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Shabbat v’shel Yom Tov” and “shehecheyanu” (p. 718/303 of Siddur Sim Shalom).  On the second night (Saturday, April 16), we recite the blessings “Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Yom Tov” and “shehecheyanu.”  On the second night, candles should not be lit until the end of Shabbat and the first day of Yom Tov, and we do not light a match but transfer the fire to the candles from an existing flame.  Therefore, when you light Shabbat candles on Friday, make sure that you have a fire burning that will last until after dark on Saturday.  A burning candle that lasts for more than 25 hours or a pilot light on a gas range (not a gas range with an electronic starter) works well for this purpose.  

There are festive meals for dinner (i.e. seder) and lunch on each of the first two days of Pesach. At each meal, 
kiddush is recited and hamotzi is made over matzah. Details regarding evening kiddush are fully set forth in the Haggadah; please note that kiddush on the second night includes havdalah.  The daytime kiddush can be found on page 746/335 in Siddur Sim Shalom; please note that the additions for Shabbat are included on the first day of Pesach (Saturday, April 16).

Seventh And Eighth Days Of Pesach

On the seventh night of Pesach (Thursday, April 21), we recite “Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Yom Tov”, but we do not recite “shehecheyanu.”  
On the eighth night (Friday, April 22), we recite “Baruch atah...le’hadlik ner shel Shabbat v’shel Yom Tov”, but we do not recite “shehecheyanu.”  
On the eighth night, we do not light a match but transfer the fire to the candles from an existing flame.  When you light candles on Thursday, make sure that you have a fire burning that will last until after candlelighting time on Friday.

There are festive meals for dinner and lunch on each of the final two days of Pesach. At each meal, kiddush is   recited and hamotzi is made over matzah.  On the seventh and eighth nights we recite the evening festival kiddush with the insertion for Pesach (and on the eighth night, for Shabbat). The daytime kiddush can be found on page 746/335 of Siddur Sim Shalom. On the eighth day (Saturday, April 23), include the verses for Shabbat as well.

Passover & Hunger

This Passover, consider incorporating materials from Mazon - A Jewish Response to Hunger into your seder.

Add a 5th Question
Each Passover we retell the defining story of our people: our exodus from Egypt. It’s a story of wealth and want, of an individual and of a community, of justice denied and justice prevailing.  How will we retell the story of this past year, and all it has wrought?
L’dor v’dor, from generation to generation, we will remember and retell how a plague of disease begat a plague of inequity, and we will respond, together.

Host a Hunger Seder

Make a donation to Mazon to support the creation of programs and policies that increase access to food for those who need it. Donations made with your Chametz Sale will be forwarded to Mazon. 

Make a donation to Jewish Family Service to support the Kosher Food Bank as well as JFS' refugee resettlement efforts. 

Tue, July 30 2024 24 Tammuz 5784