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Learners Minyan

This program is designed for those who are looking to understand parts of the Shabbat morning service. It is appropriate for complete beginners and is part of our Living Judaism class. It is also appropriate for those looking to deepen their learning. Learners’ Minyan takes place on Saturdays once a month, 10:30-11:30 am, in the Beit Midrash.

There is no cost to attend, but for building entry, please register for Shabbat services for the same day as the Learners’ Minyan.

Dates and topics

October 9, 2021:  Overview & P’sukei D’Zimra

November 13, 2021:  The Tallit

December 11, 2021:  The Shema

January 15, 2022:  Amidah for Shacharit & Musaf

February 19, 2022:  The Kedushah for Shacharit & Musaf

March 19, 2022:  The Torah Service

April 2, 2022:  Ashrei

May 14, 2022:  Ein Keloheinu & Aleinu

June 11, 2022:  Kaddish & Adon Olam

For more information, contact our Community & Membership Engagement Director.

Sat, August 31 2024 27 Av 5784