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High Holiday Campaign | Social Action Committee  | Yizkor Book | Lulav & Etrog Order


Shabbat After Lunch Learnings:

September 28 | 1:00pm | Beit Midrash

To help us prepare for the High Holidays, Rabbi Rose will be teaching about the Yom Kippur liturgy.

Pre-High Holiday Classes: 

Pre-High Holiday classes are drop-in and free of charge. Donations to the Adult Education Fund are always appreciated.

Intro to Rosh Hashanah (Open to non-registered students) with Gus Feliu

Wednesday, September 25 | 7:30 PM | More info

This is class is for Exploring Jewish Living students, prospective students and anyone who wants to learn about Rosh Hashanah with EJL instructor, Gus Feliu.

Intro to Yom Kippur (Open to non-registered students) with Gus Feliu

Wednesday, October 9 | 7:30 PM | More info

This is class is for Exploring Jewish Living students, prospective students and anyone who wants to learn about Yom Kippur with EJL instructor, Gus Feliu.


Sign up to let us know you'll be joining us for Selichot!

Ticket Sales for Yom Kippur have now closed. Thanks for understanding.

We have already hit capacity for this year and are unable to accommodate last-minute ticket requests. Thanks for understanding.

Due to heightened security, everyone over 18 will be required to have a ticket to attend High Holiday services at Beth Shalom this year.  Members, your tickets are included in your membership and will be mailed to you ahead of the holiday.

If you have a family member who is 32 or under, they are welcome to sign up for free Young Adult tickets. Everyone over 32 must either purchase a ticket or join us as a member. 

Please see our high holiday ticket page for more information about non-member young adult tickets (age 32 and under) and reciprocity tickets from guests who are members at another synagogue outside the greater Seattle area.

Our tickets cover all services throughout the holiday. We do not sell tickets for individual services or holidays.

Ticket sale deadlines:
Earlybird Deadline (both holidays) - September 13th
Rosh Hashanah - September 29th at 11:59pm
Yom Kippur only - registration will reopen after Rosh Hashanah and will be open only from October 7th-9th.


All services in the CBS Sanctuary will be streamed via our website. Bring your High Holiday ticket for admission.

Note about parking: this year we are not able to use the UUC parking lot during Yom Kippur. The CBS lots are reserved for elderly, disabled, or pregnant congregants. There is street parking in the surrounding neighborhood but it may be tight. If possible, we encourage you to walk, bike, carpool, or bus to services.

Following in the Footsteps of the Prophet Isaiah: Restorative Justice Talk 

"The Prison in Ancient History: Understanding the Past to Understand Today"

Please join us for a fascinating hour with Professor Mark Letteney of University of Washington's Department of History with an appointment in Jewish Studies as well. Connected to the haftorah from Isaiah, Professor Letteney will address how prisons are not an invention of modernity but have existed back into ancient times, with major shifts in how they have been used for punishment, rehabilitation, surveillance, and control. By understanding the past, we hope to shed new light on present day concerns. And we will leave you with ideas on ways you can get involved for a more equitable future.

About: Mark Letteney is an ancient historian and archaeologist, and assistant professor of History and Jewish Studies at the University of Washington. Mark serves as a director on the excavation of the Roman 6th Legion army base at Legio, Israel, and is co-author of a forthcoming book on the history of incarceration in the ancient Mediterranean world. 


For security reasons, Youth and Family service information is only visible to members of Beth Shalom. Members, please log in to your Shulcloud Account to see the information in this section. You can also find Youth & Family service information in the High Holiday Magazine. 

Not a member, but interested in learning about our family services? Contact us at


JFS High Holy Days Food Drive Collection: October 3 - 13 (Drop-off in CBS lobby).

Once again, Congregation Beth Shalom is participating in the High Holy Days JFS Community-Wide Food Drive. The kindness and generosity of CBS congregants in years past has been overwhelming.

 Building Tiny Homes: Our next build is November 17!

Tiny Home Build with Sound Foundation: Join us at our next CBS Build on November 17

CBS also has the opportunity to fund an entire Tiny Home and we are seeking to raise funds for this endeavor. Please donate through Give Butter (pull down menu “Tiny Home") or ShulCloud “Social Action” and designate “Tiny Home” in comments.

 Donate to our Little Pantry:   

The Little Free Pantry is located in front of the CBS Annex. Those in need are encouraged to come by and take what they can use.  Just remember to bring Little Pantry contributions when you come to Beth Shalom for classes or religious school or anytime.






Your financial support will help us pay our operating costs, including the costs with paying our employees a fair living wage. 


Thank you for helping us live our values.

Please click here to make a High Holiday Pledge.


We also appreciate your volunteer support.  

Please click here to make a High Holiday Volunteer Pledge.

If you would like to request a Yizkor book entry, please use this form.

You can order Lulav & Etrog sets, as well as s'chach (branches) for your sukkah, using this form.

Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785