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Ozerim Application 2024-2025

Tell us about you!
This is the first part of the application and it is used to collect information about the teen applying to work as an ozer/ozeret. 

If you are logged in to your ShulCloud account, parts of this section of the form will fill automatically with information from your account. If you need to make any changes, you can enter the new information into this form, and your account information will be updated when the form is submitted.

School hours are as follows. Please note that specific hours for each position may vary.

What roles are you interested in?
Read about each ozer/ozeret opportunity and mark your interest in each.  You may not get your first choice; we do our best to match everyone's skills and interests with their positions.

Ozerim Job Descriptions

Sunday Only Positions 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Teacher’s Assistant - PreK-2nd graders

Work in a classroom with a talented teacher as your mentor while developing your leadership and class management skills. Typical assignments include: helping serve snack, coaching Hebrew and T’fillot (prayers), reading stories, and leading activities. 

Hebrew Reading Team Member  - works with 1s-5th graders

The Hebrew Reading Team visits each 1-5 class to work with students one-on-one and in small groups to improve their Hebrew reading and confidence. Members of the Hebrew Reading Team will receive training specific to teaching Hebrew reading. Strong Hebrew reading and t’fillah skills required. 


Floating Ozer  - works with preK-5th graders

The Floating Ozer covers for ozerim who are absent; assists with special programs like the Purim Carnival; and jumps in to help with whatever is needed.  This is a great role for someone who may have schedule conflicts throughout the year and may not be able to attend each session, or someone who wants to work in different roles with different age groups. 


Special Needs Aide - Assigned as needed

Mentor and support children with special needs in CBS’s religious school. You will be offered training for the skills needed to provide special needs students with individualized support.


Sunday Office and Snack Ozer

Help to ensure the smooth running of the school by helping to manage logistics. Tasks include greeting people at the door; distributing flyers; making photocopies; sorting supplies; organizing; filming and photographing classes in action; and preparing snack. You will work closely with the Director of Education to learn first-hand what it takes to make everything happen.


Saturday Morning Positions - 9:45 am-12:30 pm 

Teacher’s Assistant - 6th and 7th graders

Work in a classroom with a talented teacher as your mentor while developing your leadership and class management skills. Typical assignments include: helping serve snack, coaching Hebrew and T’fillot (prayers), and assisting guest teachers.


Kids Kehilla Ozer - 5-11 year olds- 1 Shabbat each Month

Work with our kids service leader at the Shabbat service for 5-11 year olds. Assist in taking attendance, managing materials, helping to lead songs, and classroom management.

Tuesday Afternoon 4:30-6:30pm  

Teacher’s Assistant for Prozdor- 6th and 7th graders

Teacher's Assistant for k-2nd grade Tuesday Class (new this year)

Work with your assigned classroom teacher and students to offer coaching in Hebrew and T’fillot (prayers) and assist with elective courses.

Teacher's Assistant for 3rd-5th Grade Hebrew and Prayer 

Teacher's Assistant for 3rd-5th Grade PoP (torah and text study class)

Tuesday Evening 6pm-8pm

Teen Learning Ozer

Help prepare dinner for teen learning by helping to bring food to the annex; setting up for dinner; taking attendance; and keeping the classroom supplies in the annex neat and well stocked. The position also includes helping any students joining via Zoom participate in class as well.

We are looking for some ozerim to work in our High Holiday Programming. Let us know if you are interested and we will follow up with more information.
Would you like to have your name and contact information shared with CBS parents that are looking for babysitters?

Parents/Guardians and Emergency Information
Please help us ensure that our records are up to date.
In case of an emergency we will first try to get in touch with a parent or guardian. If they are not available please let us know who you would like us to contact
Please provide at least one other method of contact (Home Phone, email) for the emergency contact.

Tell us about your experience.
Please answer these questions honestly and thoughtfully, in as much detail as you can.

Knowing a little more about you will help us to create a program that will fill as many needs as possible and place you in a situation that best aligns with your personality, experiences, knowledge, strengths, challenges and the needs of our Religious School. 
Do you play guitar? Like leading ice breakers? Passionate about drama, love leading art projects? etc.

The following questions are only for new ozerim (returning ozerim can skip these questions)

Only for returning Ozerim
Please write a paragraph describing a highlight from your time as an ozer the past year and why it was so meaningful

Please read the policies below and initial after each to indicate that you have read it and agree to follow it.

General Expectations

  • Ozerim will be reliable and dependable, serve as a role model to our students, and have a positive attitude.
  • Ozerim are expected to follow the guidelines and direction of their teachers.
  • Ozerim are expected to arrive 30 minutes before their assigned start time and check in and be in the classroom by the assigned time to meet the teacher/supervisor and assist with classroom set up.
  • Ozerim are expected to stay until the last student in their class has been picked up and the classroom has been cleaned up for the day.
  • Ozerim should always dress appropriately and act professionally.
  • Ozerim should keep cell phones silenced and away while working. Ozerim who struggle with this requirement will be asked to leave their phone in the religious school office.
  • Ozerim working on Shabbat and Holiday are expected to observe Shabbat and holidays while at CBS. This includes refraining from using technology while in the synagogue. If you have questions about Shabbat and Holiday practices, please ask!
  • All classroom ozerim will be responsible for posting the classroom agreements at the beginning of class, taking them down and storing them at the end of class, and picking up and returning snack for their classroom.
  • Teachers and students rely on ozerim. Ozerim should therefore attend as many class sessions as possible and miss only when absolutely necessary. If necessary, substitutes can be found. We encourage participation in USY events and understand that some class sessions may be missed due to participation in USY Regional programming. Exceptions will be made for students who are studying in Israel for part of the school year. If you cannot attend at least 80% of the sessions, please apply for a floating position.
  • Notify your teacher and the Education Director of all absences at least 2 weeks in advance (illness/emergency excluded) and attend to finding your own substitute.
Training and Meetings
  • Ozerim must attend 2 mandatory training sessions at the beginning of the school year or arrange for a substitute training if necessary, pending approval of Director of Education. Training dates coming soon.
  • Ozerim will attend monthly, mandatory Ozerim meetings over the course of the year (usually one Sunday each month from 12:30 pm-1:30 pm). A schedule will be provided at the start of year. Sessions will focus on leadership, classroom management techniques, child development, and much more.
  • Ozerim are encouraged (but not required) to participate in monthly Religious School staff meetings (Usually one Sunday each month from 12:30-1:30pm).
Please choose the option that applies to you:
Please type your first and last name in the box above to sign.
Please type your first and last name in the box above to sign.
Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785