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About the Trip           Watch the Info Session Recording           Register Now


Trip Captains: Debby Kerdeman, David Tarshes, Karin and Michael Madwed
Staff: Rabbi Jill Borodin (and Colin Coltrera depending on number of participants) and local guides

Update! Registration Deadline: September 30th (or when capacity is reached)
Max Participants: 30

We are in the midst of a horrific, tragic, and complex situation in Israel that is likely to transform the reality in the region. It reverberates and deeply affects the lives of all who live in the land of Israel and Gaza, as well as Jews and people across the world. 

This trip of learning and connection is an opportunity for members of the Beth Shalom community to better understand the reality on the ground, the complexities that are part of Israeli society post October 7, and what lies on the horizon - all processing our own complex understandings and emotions with our fellow community members. 

The 6-day program will include 3 main components:

1) Understanding the reality on the ground, from a variety of perspectives including people affected by the conflict, and having an opportunity to volunteer alongside Israelis who are caring for their fellows in these difficult times. 

2) Imagining possible roads ahead and challenges for the future as we meet with a number of incredible activists and change makers.

3) Special Beth Shalom opportunities, including time with Beth Shalom beloved teachers Joel Migdal, Peggy Brill, and Shalom Sabar; connection with our Beth Shalom sister congregation, Moreshet Avraham; meeting up with past Beth Shalom shinishinim; and being with different parts of the Masorti (Conservative) movement in Israel (including a special Shabbat in Jerusalem).

We plan (dependent on sufficient interest) to offer two additional days visiting major sites in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv at the end of the program. The Fuchsberg Center is also happy to help organize for participants to stay longer and study at the Conservative Yeshiva, and/or volunteer.

Click here for a sample itinerary.
(Details and speakers are subject to change depending on the situation, following this general outline.)

Per-Person Trip Cost for 7 Days, 6 nights:
Double (2 people sharing a hotel room): $4,050 / person
Single: $4,550 / person

(If you’re interested in the trip but facing financial barriers, we may have assistance funds available. Please contact

Trip Price Includes:

  • Lodging for 6 nights
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (apart from meals listed as "on own" in the trip itinerary) 
  • Programming - Including activity costs, speakers, snacks
  • Transportation - Air-conditioned vehicle according to the size of the group 
  • An English speaking, fully licensed tour educator for 4 days of tours
  • Security - Armed guard as needed by Moket Teva supervision

Not included in trip price:

  • Airfare or flight insurance
  • Meals listed as “on own”
  • Drinks with meals 
  • Bottled Water
  • Insurance in Israel (can be purchased under the age of 75 for $8 per day) 

Additional nights at the  hotel can be added on personal request for an additional cost (receiving Fuchsberg’s rates at the hotel)

We highly recommend purchasing health and trip insurance. 

Want to know before you go?

Watch the recording of our information session below.

Ready to register? Click here to sign up!

Note: the registration form is only open to Beth Shalom members.
You must be logged in to your Shulcloud account to view the form.

Sat, August 31 2024 27 Av 5784